A modern LaTeX editor and compiler for iOS and iPadOS. Coming soon.

Screenshot of app

Designed for iOS and iPadOS 13

TeXtonic has been designed and architected from the ground up with modern Apple technologies to enable a more powerful and stable LaTeX editing experience.

Local Compiler

Everything runs on your device. No need to setup a server, an internet connection, or to manually manage a TeXLive instillation.

Robust Project Support

TeXtonic was designed for working with complex multi-file projects. TeXtonic finds included files in your project providing tabs to quickly flip between files while still compiling from the root file.

Batteries Included

Standard packages included from TeXLive. More available through the settings screen.

There's an App For That

TeXtonic uses standard components so that your files are available to other apps. Version control your documents with Working Copy app, generate your figures with Pythonista, or preview your documents with PDFViewer.

Multiple Windows

Open all your projects and PDF previews in separate windows.

Install More Packages

Just drag and drop your LaTeX class and style sources files next to your main files.

Designed for Everyone

Engineered to work with standard accesibility technologies like: Voice Over, Voice Control, Dynamic Type, and more.

Suggestion box

App not meeting your needs? Found a bug? Want to suggest a feature? Open an issue.